


Your use of AI DENT’S products, software, applications, services and website (referred to collectively as the “Services”), excluding any services provided to you (“You” or “Your” or “User”) by AI DENT under a separate written agreement, is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between You and AI DENT. AI DENT, developed and operated by Dhruvas Health and cosmetic, a company registered under the laws of India, having its registered office at Gf -5, Shyam Residency, Haveli Street, Near Smile Signal, Near Gulista Ground, Bhavnagar -364002, Gujarat and any of its subsidiaries and affiliates (“AI DENT” or “Us” or “We” or “Our”).
The terms here explain the legal agreement between you and AI DENT. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with AI DENT, Your agreement with AI DENT will always include, at a minimum, the terms and conditions as set out hereinbelow. These are referred as the “Terms”. The Terms form a legally binding agreement between You and AI DENT in relation to Your use of the Services. It is important that you take the time to read them carefully.


In order to use the Services, You must first agree to the Terms. You shall not use the Services if You do not accept the Terms.
You can accept the terms by:
a) Clicking accept or agree to the Terms, where this option is made available to You by AI DENT in the user interface for any Service; or
b) By actually using the Services. In this case, You understand and agree that AI DENT will treat Your use of the Services in any manner whatsoever (including without limitation to login into or accessing AI DENT’s Services or using Services on any devices) as acceptance of the Terms from that point onwards.
c) By accepting the Terms in writing under a written agreement between You and AI DENT.
You shall not use the Services and shall not accept the Terms if (a) You are not of legal age to form a binding contract with AI DENT, or (b) in the event You are entering into these Terms on behalf of any entity/company or its group, You do not possess the requisite authority to bind such entities, company, or its groups to these Terms, or (c) You are a person barred from receiving the Services or entering into binding legal contract under the laws of India or other countries including the country in which You are a resident or from which You intend to use the Services.
Before You continue, You should print or save a local copy of the Universal Terms for Your records.


1.1.The Services provided by AI DENT assist with medical diagnoses of dental X-rays with the help of artificial intelligence.

1.2.Through the Services, AI DENT offers dental X-ray analysis and automated reports of potential anomalies found in dental X-ray images. It is important to note that the Services are not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. The analysis provided through the Services is based on the algorithmic processing of uploaded X-ray images and should be considered a supplementary tool for informational purposes only.

1.3.Users expressly acknowledge that the Services do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. They are not intended to replace the expertise and judgment of qualified healthcare professionals. The Services are intended for informational purposes only and should not be solely relied upon for making medical decisions. The Services do not establish a medical professional-patient relationship.

1.4.The Services are intended for personal, non-commercial use only. Users may not use the Services for commercial purposes or distribute the analysis results to third parties for financial gain.

1.5.AI DENT does not guarantee the accuracy of the results provided by the Services. AI DENT bears no responsibility or liability for any information as shown through the Services. Users who decide to depend on such information assume the associated risks themselves.


2.1.Users shall oblige with the following obligations and responsibilities, including but not limited to,:
2.1.1.Users are responsible to de-identify or anonymize one’s personal data, if required, before using AI DENT’s Services. AI DENT is neither responsible for nor does AI DENT undertake any liability whatsoever arising from Users processing any personal data on AI DENT’s Services.

2.1.2.Users acknowledge that they shall use AI DENT’s Services in accordance with the user manual that is available on AI DENT’s platforms. The Users are solely responsible for anything that occurs as a result of disobeying AI DENT user manuals.

2.1.3.Users warrant that they have the legal right to upload X-ray images and that they have obtained necessary information and consent form the patients or relevant parties to use the Services, and are also responsible for ensuring the quality, accuracy, and authenticity of the X-ray images uploaded to use the Services. AI DENT does not warrant the accuracy of the analysis results if the uploaded images are of poor quality, incorrectly labelled, or otherwise unsuitable for accurate analysis.

2.1.4.Users understand that the accuracy of the analysis results may vary based on factors such as image quality, algorithm limitations, and the complexity of the anomaly being detected. AI DENT does not guarantee that the analysis results will be error-free or that all anomalies will be identified. You are responsible for any decisions, actions, or reliance on the analysis results provided by the Services.

2.1.5.Users understand that the information, content, results or any other material available on AI DENT’s Services is not final. You will consult the certified medical practitioner before making any medical decisions based on the analysis results provided by the Services.

2.1.6.Users agree to provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information, whenever required when using the Services. This includes providing accurate patient information, relevant medical history, and any other details required for the analysis of dental X-ray images.

2.1.7.Users are responsible for the accuracy of the data they provide to use the Services. AI DENT is not responsible for any inaccuracies or consequences resulting from inaccurate or incomplete user data.

2.1.8.Users shall respect the intellectual property rights of AI DENT and third parties. Users shall oblige with the terms and conditions pertaining to intellectual property according to these Terms.

2.1.9.Users shall use the Services ethically and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines while using the Services, including but not limited to data protection, privacy, and healthcare laws.

2.1.10.Users shall promptly update their account information, including contact details, to ensure that AI DENT can communicate important information about the Services.

2.1.11.Users shall cooperate with AI DENT in any investigations related to potential violations of the Terms or inappropriate use of the Services.

2.1.12.Users shall not misrepresent their identity, qualifications, or affiliations when using the Services. Any misrepresentation may result in immediate account termination.

2.1.13.Users shall not use the Services beyond what it is intended to be as specified in the Terms.

2.1.14.Users are encouraged to provide constructive feedback and suggestions to improve the Services’ functionality and performance. Any feedback provided may be used by AI DENT for enhancement purposes.


3.1.The ownership of the Services and the contents, features and functionality provided through AI DENT tools and platforms (including but not limited to its source code, databases, information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio, and their design, selection and arrangement) belongs to AI DENT, its licensors or other material developers, and is safeguarded by the appropriate and applicable laws.

3.2.The ownership and control of the Intellectual Property Rights (“IP Rights”), encompassing all rights, titles, and interests, shall wholly reside with AI DENT. These Terms do not entail any transfer of IP Rights or title to the User.

3.3.AI DENT grants Users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-licensable and revocable license to access and use the Services for its intended purposes. This license does not grant the Users the right to modify, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works from, or otherwise exploit the Services or any content provided through the Services for commercial purposes without the express written consent of AI DENT. 3.4.Any X-ray images or other content uploaded by the Users to use the Services shall remain the property of the respective Users. However, by uploading content to use the Services, the Users grant AI DENT a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, and display such content for the purpose of providing and improving the Services.

3.5.Users shall not upload, transmit, or otherwise provide any x-ray images or content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Users shall bear full responsibility for ensuring that the X-ray images they upload do not violate the rights of any third party.

3.6.Any analysis or results generated by the use of Services are the intellectual property of AI DENT. The analysis or results include but are not limited to automated reports, anomaly identifications, and any accompanying textual or graphical representations.

3.7.All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, copyrights, patents, and any other intellectual property associated with the Services are the property of AI DENT or their respective owners. Users are prohibited from using, extracting, modifying or any other activity pertaining to the intellectual property of AI DENT without the prior written permission of AI DENT or the relevant owner.

3.8.Users acknowledge that AI DENT is the rightful owner of the IP Rights related to the Services. Users agree not to take any actions or make statements that go against AI DENT's ownership of its IP Rights. This can include actions such as filing complaints, lawsuits, or other legal actions that contest AI DENT's ownership of its IP Rights.

3.9.Users shall not engage in any activity that could infringe upon the IP Rights of AI DENT or any third party. This includes but is not limited to reverse engineering, decompiling, or otherwise attempting to derive the source code of the Services.

3.10.Users acknowledge that any feedback, suggestions, or ideas they provide to AI DENT regarding the Services’ functionality, features, or improvements may be used by AI DENT without any obligation to compensate the Users. AI DENT shall have the right to use such feedback, suggestions, or ideas royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocably, and perpetually.


4.1.As a prerequisite for using the Services, the Users affirm that they will refrain from utilizing the Services for any activities that are illegal or restricted by these Terms. In addition to this warranty, the Users affirm the following:

4.1.1.Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services, its servers, or any related systems.

4.1.2.Users shall not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, participate in the transfer or sale, or attempt to derive the source code or algorithms of the Services. Users shall not employ any bots, spiders, page-scraping or other automated or manual processes or methods to replicate or supervise the Services or any of its contents.

4.1.3.Users shall not modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services or any of its components.

4.1.4.Users shall not reproduce, distribute, publicly display, or publicly perform the Services or any part thereof.

4.1.5.Users shall not engage in any activity that may harm, disrupt, or compromise the functionality, security, or integrity of the Services.

4.1.6.Users shall use the Services responsibly and ethically, ensuring that their use of the Services does not violate any professional standards or ethical guidelines related to the medical or dental fields.

4.1.7.Users shall not attempt to circumvent any security features, restrictions, or limitations imposed by AI DENT.

4.1.8.Users shall not utilize any content, features, functions, designs or any other material as available on the Services for the creation of a competing product or service, nor to replicate any of them.

4.1.9.Users shall not submit materials that contain viruses, trojan horses, worms, or any other similar forms of malware that may corrupt the Services howsoever.

4.1.10.Users shall not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Services disrupting the functionality of the Services.

4.1.11.Users shall not obtain or try to obtain any materials or information from the Services by evading access or usage restrictions, or through any unauthorized methods, including hacking or attempting to discover passwords.

4.1.12.Users shall not engage in fraudulent or deceptive activities, including impersonation, misleading content, or any form of online scams.

4.1.13.Users shall not use the Services for spamming, phishing, sending unsolicited messages, or engaging in any other form of unwanted communication.

4.1.14.Users shall not upload, transmit, or display content that is defamatory, offensive, obscene, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate.

4.1.15.Users shall use the Services responsibly and ethically, ensuring that their use of the Services does not violate any professional standards or ethical guidelines related to the medical or dental fields.


5.1.The Users may come across certain confidential information in relation to the Services of AI DENT and the Users agree to maintain confidentiality of such information. Users shall not use or disclose such information except when for discharge of the Users’ respective obligations under any agreement with AI DENT or if required by law.

5.2.Confidential Information shall include all information and materials relating to or arising from the use of Services in any form whatsoever, and information which is by its nature confidential or which the discloser advises the recipient is confidential.  Confidential Information shall not include information that is presently in the public domain or subsequently enters the public domain without any lapse on Your part.

5.3.The Users shall not disclose any confidential information to anybody except that the disclosure is permitted under law. Users shall maintain Confidential Information in their possession and consider it as confidential regardless of when it is disclosed.

5.4.Users shall not disclose, share, or reproduce any proprietary information, algorithms, methodologies, or any other confidential information related to the Services’ operation and functionality. 5.5.Users acknowledge that any breach of confidential information will cost irreparable injury to AI DENT, which cannot be compensated by monetary damages and as such AI DENT shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief against Users for any threatened or actual breach of confidentiality.

5.6.Users shall return and/or destroy all confidential information possessed by the Users upon permanently ceasing to use the Services. Proof in writing of such return, destruction and cessation shall be provided by the respective Users.

5.7.In the event of a breach of confidential information, Users shall promptly and immediately inform AI DENT of such breach. The Users shall also timely cooperate with AI DENT in every reasonable way to help AI DENT regain possession of breached confidential information and prevent its further breach.


6.1.By the use of Services, AI DENT may collect certain personal and non-personal information from the Users as part of its functionality. By using the Services, the Users consent to the collection, processing, and use of their data in accordance with AI DENT's privacy policy.

6.2.AI DENT is committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of user data.

6.3.AI DENT implements industry-standard security measures to protect against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of user information.

6.4.AI DENT may collect and use anonymized and aggregated data for purposes such as improving the Services’ performance, conducting research, and enhancing the user experience. Such data will not contain personally identifiable information.

6.5.The analysis/ results generated by the Services are considered confidential information. Users shall not disclose or share the analysis results with third parties without the express consent of AI DENT unless required by applicable law.

6.6.The Services may integrate with or use third-party services, platforms, or APIs. Users acknowledge that their use of such services is subject to the terms and privacy policies of those third parties.

6.7.User data, including x-ray images, is stored securely on servers with controlled access and advanced security protocols to prevent unauthorized data breaches. Access to user data is restricted to authorized personnel and is granted only on a need-to-know basis for the purpose of analysis and maintenance.

6.8.AI DENT continuously monitors and assesses data security measures to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

6.9.In the event of a data breach or unauthorized access to user data, AI DENT will take reasonable steps to notify affected Users and regulatory authorities as required by applicable laws.

6.10.Users may have the option to opt out of certain data collection, such as non-essential cookies or analytics tracking. Opt-out instructions shall be provided in the respective Services’ settings or through AI DENT's communication channels.

6.11.Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their account credentials and devices used to access the Services.

6.12.Users are responsible for maintaining backup copies of any x-ray images or data uploaded to the Services. AI DENT is not responsible for any data loss.

6.13.Despite AI DENT's best efforts, no data transmission or storage method can guarantee absolute security. Users acknowledge that using the Services involves inherent risks related to data security.


7.1.Utilization of certain Services of AI DENT requires payment of a predetermined fee for the use of those Services, including but not limited to, monthly subscription, quarterly subscription, and yearly subscription.

7.2.Users agree to provide accurate and complete payment information, including valid credit card details or other payment methods accepted by AI DENT.

7.3.Users shall be responsible for the payment to use the Services as specified by AI DENT.

7.4.AI DENT shall not be held liable for any issues related to credit points, payment failures, or unauthorized transactions. Users are responsible for ensuring that their payment information is up-to-date and accurate.

7.5.Users are advised to review and understand their respective bank's terms and conditions for any unwanted or unauthorized transactions related to their subscription payments. AI DENT is not responsible for such transactions.

7.6.Refunds for already paid fees are generally not provided. Unless may communicate with AI DENT to discuss potential refund possibilities.

7.7.AI DENT reserves the right to suspend or terminate a User's access to the Services for non-payment of requisite fees.

7.8.Users are responsible for any applicable taxes or charges imposed by the authorities in their respective jurisdiction in relation to the payments made to use the Services.

7.9.Users agree to fully indemnify AI DENT for any and all charges, fees, expenses, or disbursements, including but not limited to, debt collection agency fees, legal costs, and interest thereon, incurred by AI DENT in recovering any amounts due by Users to AI DENT.


8.1.Users may terminate their use of the Services at any time by discontinuing their access to the Services and deleting their account, if applicable.

8.2.AI DENT reserves the right to suspend or terminate a User's access to the Services at its sole discretion, with or without cause, and without prior notice.

8.3.AI DENT may terminate a User's access if the User is found to be in violation of these Terms, including engaging in prohibited activities or breaching its terms.

8.4.Upon termination of access to the Services, Users shall immediately cease all use of the Services and any associated services. AI DENT shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from the termination of a User's account.

8.5.Following termination, AI DENT may retain user data in accordance with its data retention policies and legal obligations.

8.6.Clauses related to intellectual property rights, restrictions on use, indemnification, certain obligations/responsibilities of the Users and any other provisions that, by their nature, should survive termination, shall remain in effect even after termination.


9.1.As a User, You expressly understand and agree that:

9.1.1.Your use of the Services, including any content or information contained within the website, is at your sole risk. The Services, including any content, software, website, or any other information, is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. AI DENT and its suppliers, licensors, and other parties, and their respective directors, officers, agents, representatives, and employees expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, express, statutory or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, accuracy of data and non-infringement.

9.1.2.AI DENT and its suppliers, licensors, and other parties, and their respective directors, officers, agents, representatives, and employees make no warranty that (i) the website will meet your requirements, (ii) materials, software or content available for download from the website are free of infection or viruses, worms, trojan horses, or other code that manifests contaminating or destructive properties; (iii) the website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure (including free from unauthorized access), provide continuous storage or access, or error-free, (iv) the results that may be obtained from the use of the website will be accurate, complete or reliable, (v) the quality of any products, services, software, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the website will meet your expectations, and (vi) any errors in the use of Services will be corrected.

9.1.3.Any material downloaded, uploaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is made available by AI DENT to you for your use at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or business or loss of data that results from the download or upload of any such material or the use of the website or AI DENT’s Services.

9.1.4.No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from AI DENT or through the use of Services shall create any warranty. Advice or information received by means of the website should not be relied upon for significant personal, business, medical, legal or financial decisions and you should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your particular situation.

9.1.5.No assurance is provided for the Services that cannot be executed on the device, that has been modified without authorization, handled improperly or culpably, combined or installed with inappropriate hardware or software, or used with unsuitable accessories, regardless if by User or by third parties, or if there are any other factors outside of AI DENT’s control that impact the executability of the Services.

9.1.6.AI DENT shall not be liable for any technical issues, interruptions, or disruptions in the availability or functionality of the Services, including server downtime, network failures, or software glitches.

9.1.7.Users are required to inspect the Services immediately after installation and notify AI DENT about any issues discovered without delay by e-mail. The defect report will be considered and further investigated if it is sent within a period of ninety (90) days after discovery. If AI DENT confirms that any of the Services provided is defective, AI DENT reserves the option to remedy the situation either by solving the defect or providing substitute delivery.

9.2.As a Service-provider, AI DENT makes the following disclaimers:

9.2.1.AI DENT does not warrant that the use of the Services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free from defects. Users acknowledge that technical issues may arise, and AI DENT is not responsible for such issues.

9.2.2.The Services may include third-party products (software or hardware) that AI DENT doesn't create. AI DENT provides no warranties for the accuracy of these third-party products. If specific software or hardware requires third-party technology, refer to the relevant documentation. Use of such third-party technology follows its own license terms and is not governed by these Terms.

9.2.3.AI DENT’s Services might include links to external websites or content from third parties. These links are not assessed by us for accuracy, reliability, or completeness. AI DENT doesn't endorse or guarantee information from third-party websites linked through the Services provided. AI DENT is not responsible for transactions between You and third-party product or service providers.

9.2.4.None of the medical information in these Terms is guaranteed or warranted by AI DENT or any other person or party involved in providing these Services. The User should not put any trust in the content supplied by the Services or any associated websites. AI DENT expressly disclaims any and all liability for any loss, damage, or risk, whether financial or otherwise, that may occur as a direct or indirect result of accessing or using the Services or any content provided or referenced therein.


10.1.In no event shall AI DENT, its employees, officers, representatives, service providers, suppliers, licensors, and agents, or their respective directors, officers, agents, representatives, and employees, be liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind, including but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profits, or loss of data, whether in an action in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence), or otherwise, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) the use of or inability to use the website, the service, or the content, (ii) any transaction conducted through or facilitated by the website; (iii) any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the website, the service and/or the content, (iv) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, (v) the provision of or failure to provide support or other Services, information, software, and related content through the Services, (vi) any clinical diagnosis, misdiagnosis, or consequences to patient well-being that may arise from the use of the Services or (v) any other matter relating to the Service even if AI DENT has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the website and/or website-related services is to stop using the website and/or those services.

10.2.AI DENT shall not be liable for any claims, losses, or damages arising from third-party actions or omissions, including the actions of other Users, third-party services, or content accessed through the Services.

10.3.Users acknowledge and assume all risks associated with the use of the Services. AI DENT shall not be liable for any consequences arising from decisions made based on the analysis results provided by the Services. Users agree not to hold AI DENT liable and shall refrain from initiating any lawsuit or legal action against AI DENT in relation to any defective or inaccurate analysis received due to your use of the Services.

10.4.The individual authors, contributors, and developers of these Terms, as well as anyone else associated with AI DENT, assume no responsibility for the results or repercussions of any endeavour to use or adopt any of the information presented in these Terms.


11.1.User agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless AI DENT, its affiliates, licensors, service providers, and any third-party information providers as well as its and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to, not exhaustive, (i) the violation of the agreed Terms; (ii) the use of the Services, including, without limitation to User contributions, the services and products offered on or through the Services, or the use of any information obtained from the Services; (iii) the violation of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity by the User or any third party using the User’s registration information; (iv) any actions or decisions made by the User based on the analysis results provided by the Services; (iii) gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the User; (iv) breach of confidentiality.

11.2.AI DENT shall promptly notify the User of any such claims or actions and shall provide reasonable assistance to the User in defending such claims.

11.3.AI DENT reserves the right to assume control of the defence and settlement of any claims subject to indemnification by the User. The User shall not settle any such claim without the prior written consent of AI DENT, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

11.4.The Users agree to cooperate fully with AI DENT in the defence of any such claims and shall provide all necessary information, documents, and assistance as requested by AI DENT.

11.5.In no event shall AI DENT be liable for any special, punitive, or any other indirect damages arising out of the negligence of the Users, regardless of whether such damages were foreseeable or whether the Users were advised of the possibility of such damages.

11.6.The obligations of indemnification set forth in this clause shall survive the termination or expiration of these Terms.


12.1.The validity, interpretation and implementation of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of India.

12.2.In case of any dispute arising in relation to the terms and conditions of these Terms, the Parties may settle the matter through arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

12.3.The language of the arbitration shall be English. The venue of the arbitration shall be [MENTION THE PREFERRED PLACE], India.

12.4.The Parties agree that the award of arbitration shall be final and binding on the Parties.

12.5.These Terms shall be construed and governed in accordance with the applicable laws of India and the courts in the city of [MENTION THE PREFERRED PLACE] shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


13.1.AI DENT, from time to time, may modify, update, or improve the features of the Services, without any prior notice to the Users. In such an event, the new Terms shall supersede prior Terms.

13.2.By continuing to use the Services, Users accept and agree to any modifications, updates, or improvements made to the Services. Users are encouraged to regularly check for updates and review the most current version of these Terms.

13.3.In the event of material changes to the Services’ functionality or terms of use, AI DENT may notify the Users of the changes by any mode.

13.4.Users acknowledge that updates or modifications to the Services may require adjustments to their devices, software, or settings. Users are responsible for ensuring compatibility with their devices.

13.5.The terms and conditions of these Terms shall apply to any modifications, updates, or improvements made to the Services unless expressly stated otherwise.


14.1.If any part of these Terms is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it will not impact the remaining provisions of these Terms, all of which will remain in full force and effect.

14.2.AI DENT’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

14.3.If any provision of these Terms shall be deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

14.4.Neither the course of conduct and/or course of dealing between the parties nor trade practice shall act to modify any provision of these Terms.

14.5.AI DENT may assign its rights and duties under these Terms to any party at any time without notice to you.

14.6.Your rights and duties under these Terms are not assignable by you without written consent of AI DENT.

14.7.These Terms do not provide any third party with a remedy, claim, or right of reimbursement.

14.8.AI DENT's failure to exercise a right granted by any provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.

14.9.You hereby grant AI DENT the right to designate You as AI DENT's Client on AI DENT's Services and/or marketing materials and to include Your use of the Services in case studies and research.

14.10.Any Claim brought by You or Your Users against AI DENT shall be under individual capacity, and not as a part of a class action suit. You expressly waive any ability to maintain any class action in any forum.

14.11.Each party is a separate contractor. These Terms do not establish between the Parties a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary, or employment relationship.

14.12. "By accepting the terms and conditions of this page, you also agree to adhere to the policies of our payment processor, Razorpay. These policies are detailed at the following link: Razorpay Merchant Policy."
Here’s the link to your ‘Terms and Conditions’ page published using Razorpay: https://merchant.razorpay.com/policy/MkR72NtW482Sbt/terms As the next step, make sure to add the link on your website/app on priority before 2023-12-14. Settlements for your business will be put on-hold if the link is not updated before the given date. For more help, view our documentation. Thank you, Team Razorpay Disclaimer: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. You agree to use / publish the attached content at your sole discretion and risk. You understand that the provision of these terms / content by Razorpay is not a substitute for independent legal advice, and you will use your independent discretion to determine the suitability of these for your business purposes. You absolve Razorpay of all liability in this regard. Razorpay expressly disclaims all liability in respect of any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the content made available. Razorpay does not necessarily endorse and is not responsible for any third-party content that may be accessed through this information.




16.1.If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding the terms as stated in these Terms, please contact us at info@aident.co.in. (+919712560889)

16.2.All notices arising out of these Terms shall either be sent to the email ID mentioned above or sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service to AI DENT’s address, that is, Gf -5, Shyam Residency, Haveli Street, Near Smile Signal, Near Gulista Ground, Bhavnagar -364002, Gujarat. All notices shall be deemed to have been given immediately upon delivery by electronic mail, or if otherwise delivered upon receipt of mail or delivery service.